Welcome to Betsy’s Blogs

Betsy Acosta
1 min readJun 10, 2020


Hello everyone,

My name is Betsy Acosta, I am a Journalism student at the University of Houston. This space will be used for me to showcase my writing as I move through my academic career as a journalism/communications student. I hope that my writing innovates, educates, and makes a change. Writing has always been a way to express myself and show my passion about the things that matter to the most to me so I hope this blog allows me to do just that. I am excited to write for you all, and share my thoughts with you.

Welcome to my blogs, this is only the beginning.



Betsy Acosta

UH Journalism student with a whole lot to say. Passionate about the things that matter to me. Follow me on my socials @betsyyacosta on all handles!